#climatechallenge lives from the fact that it is lived, carried on and further developed by numerous people. Our heartfelt thanks go to all of them! Among them are lecturers at universities, teachers - and above all students.
You have questions or comments, compliments and criticism? Then write to us at climatechallenge@htwg-konstanz.de

Ilmari Binder
Lecturer of the #climatechallenge seminars
Maike Sippel
Professorship for Sustainable Economics, HTWG Konstanz
Markus Szaguhn
Transformative research
Ilmari Binder
has been giving #climatechallenge seminars at HTWG and university in Constance since the winter semester 2020/21
project manager for "CO2ero - klimaneutrae Waldorfschulen Jetzt"
studied psychology at the University of Konstanz
during studies engagement for sustainable development at Konstanz University of Applied Sciences and University of Konstanz
Markus Szaguhn
Mission: Transformative Research - Importance of Real Experiments to Promote Commitment to Climate Protection.
Since 2021: Research associate at the KIT Center Man and Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
2017-2021: Communication and project management area contracting (energy services) at the Climate Protection and Energy Agency Baden-Württemberg (KEA-BW)
Since 2016: Teaching positions at the online academy of the Department for Technology and Science Ethics (rtwe), Konstanz University of Applied Sciences and University of Konstanz
2015-2017: Co-author of the monitoring report at the Competence Center Energy Transition Region Constance.
Background: Mechanical engineering, energy technology and international sales management
Prof. Dr. Maike Sippel
Professorship for Sustainable Economy, Konstanz University of Applied Sciences
Senate Representative for Sustainable Development, Konstanz University of Applied Sciences
Scientific background: studied architecture, doctorate in economics, work on sustainability and climate strategies from the individual to the global level
Pleasure and responsibility to make this knowledge socially fruitful
Support of Scientists for Future
NGO-experienced (e.g. Global Marshall Plan Initiative)
Maike is the creator of the cartoon males that cavort on the website.
Raphael Buhrmann
since January 2023 in the team #climatechallenge
responsible for public relations
keeps the website and the Instagram account up to date
always looking for new interesting contributions
Student at the Konstanz University of Applied Sciences in the study program Environmental Engineering and Resource Management
For some time now, Manuel Östringer has been part of us and continues to hold CC courses - and, amazingly, alongside his PhD in physical chemistry.
Manuel studied chemistry and is generally very committed to the change towards more sustainability. He is and has been active in activism, gives talks on climate crisis, tries to persuade politicians to do more on climate protection, and argues with municipal utilities about heat transition concepts.
Sozialwissenschaftliche Auswertung in Zusammenarbeit mit:
Surveylab, Soziologie, Universität Konstanz
Lea Hungerhoff - who has done the public relations work for a long time, expanded the website and, last but not least, always produced new, crisp content
Sarah Steeb - who helped us with the website and Instagram during the summer semester of 2021
Anne Klenge - who brought the Instagram account to life
Aline Christoph - who as a communication designer not only gave us the beautiful colors
Johanna Geiser, Joshua Lange, Alexander Rüede-Passul and Ann-Kathrin Straßer - who, together with Anne Klenge, are part of the first generation of coaches trained in the #climatechallenge Academy
Florian Jungheim - who wrote his bachelor thesis in 2018 on CO2 calculators to be used for #climatechallenge
Nadine Nowotny - who supported the project in 2018 and conducted 3 pilot applications of #climatechallenge as an employee action in companies in her bachelor thesis
Annika Kreuzer - who supported the project in 2017/2018 (before she left for the whales), laying the groundwork for this website
Hannah Junker, Corina Muhr, Doris Müller, Jorrit Friedrich, Marius Reichenbach, Robin Schoger - who prepared our Constance workshop during the winter semester 2017/2018
Tim Rieger & Johannes Rössler - who worked on how #climatechallenge could go viral in the winter semester 2016/2017

#climatechallenge continues to develop through various sub-projects, each of which is independent. Smaller project grants support this development - e.g. through:
Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management Baden-Württemberg
Small Research Program of the Institute for Applied Research of the HTWG Konstanz
A very warm thank you :-)