Climate protection is a task for society as a whole, but not every person in our society has the same opportunities as others. The ecological footprint gives us a simple way to make our consumption more sustainable, but it often faces structural limits.
As long as organic food, climate-friendly services and meat substitutes are more expensive than conventional products, it is more difficult for financially disadvantaged people to be sustainable, which is anyway complicated by higher time intensity and lack of social acceptance. Perhaps you can now spontaneously think of such financial or social limitations that have restricted you in your climate-friendly behavior?
As a result, climate action must become easier, cheaper and more natural. After our past challenges such as the Zero Waste or the Minimalism Challenge with which we have changed our individual actions, it is time to expand our commitment to the broader society in order to fight the climate crisis as a society. But what can I do about it?
To start your Handprint Challenge, it is important to choose a level of action. As an example, Germanwatch e.V. mentions one's own workplace, one's neighborhood or community, associations in which one is active, a political party or in the city, municipality and also at the state and national level. Once you have found this level, you can use different forms of action to get closer to your goal. In the list on the right we've put together some of our favorite Handprint Challenge ideas for you.
You can't do it alone, so it's important that you find allies to help you in your efforts as you complete the Challenge. Look around you, are there friends or family members who can help you? Do you know of any organizations that would support you?
It is not important how, but that you become active! Climate change cannot be stopped by itself, only with your help we can transform society and make the world a better place - find a form of action and allies and start your Handprint-Challenge to make our society more sustainable, bet?
Best you already start to take 2 more friends for the climate bet on the hand, because if you win 2 friends, who in turn win 2 friends, who in turn...then we win a political climate action in 20 rounds ;)
Write a letter or an email to your representatives, decision makers or companies - sounds easy? It is!
Join an organization - whether Fridays for Future, climate lobby groups, political parties or environmental protection associations, find out on the Internet how you can participate.
Alternatively, you can also write to media representatives, for example with an email in which you ask for more climate topics in the reporting.
Take part in a protest or a political action for climate protection, against climate-damaging organizations and institutions.
Participate in a public information booth to campaign for your issues.
There is also the possibility to anchor climate protection in school or university teaching, for example in a working group, in studies or as a lecture or seminar.
You can also organize mobility in your environment by setting up car pools or arranging to commute by bike.
Just bake vegan cakes and hand them out at demos.
Take a look at the Citizen Climate Lobby, find out about political solutions yourself and get in touch with politicians and the media.

Numerous Handprintchallenges have already been put into practice. Here you can find current examples.
You can find more ideas here: (german)
or here: (geman)